Saturday, July 4, 2009

Nineballs and No toes

1ft onshore no toes. Thats how this trip started. We sat in our cars for at least 4 hours, overlooking onshore garbage bags that was the south coast. Everyone of us read an entire movement issue, slept, set high scores on the greatest game ever made for iphone ' Blowfish', took photos of a half decomposed lizard, got cotton mouth from peanut butter and bread, discussed how bad this decision was, blamed swellnet, planned revenge attacks, chris texted over 60ppl, will smoked over 60 darts, drink king max drank all of his drinks, saffa jared looked like Nathan Bracken and wilso somehow managed to keep spirits just above suicide with random acts of hilarity.

Night drives

No Toes Gatekeeper

2 bacon and egg rolls later the swell had picked up considerably so we hit up a fun arvo surf. Nothing all time, and especially nothing worth driving large distances for, but chris managed to make it worthwhile with an uncharacteristically stylish invert out into the flats.

That night was spent hanging with old mate at milton pub. If u have not had the privilege of meeting old mate manager you really havnt lived. Definitely one of the most sarcastic people alive, but none then less manages to make everyone laugh. an early night for most, but not for will. Everytime, without fail will gets incredibly drunk with old mate manager and sits up till 4 oclock drinking Guinness. Will doesn't seem to mind gettin an hour sleep then waking feeling inches from death.

The next morning was alot better. Gettin there before sunrise we were on it first. But as the light increased so did the people. at one stage the rocks looked like the pipe contest with the pro show in town. Here are a few of the photos.
Jared Houston, 'saffa'

Man Vs Wild Bear Grills
Team Zion
Max Arent is "DRINK KING" (more shots of max soon)

Tom Rigby, No board needed?

Thom Rob

Maccas - Redbull - Picton road - home.